What’s The 4th Trimester, And What Do New Mums Need To Know About It? 

Katherine Williams
October 30, 2023
min read

What’s The 4th Trimester, And What Do New Mums Need To Know About It? 

 The 4th trimester is the often overlooked phase that takes place just after a baby is born. And as the name suggests, it lasts for about 12 weeks. During this time, you can expect major physical and emotional changes. In today’s post, we take a look at this magical and challenging time and offer insight on how to get through it with your sanity intact. 

Arm Yourself With Equipment 

 Babies require equipment. From high chairs to prams to sleeping aids, car seats, and bouncers. The number of new items that new parents have to bring into their lives can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. You can rent the vast majority of your equipment from The Bubba Hub. Our experts can help you cover all of your bases, and you’ll save money renting what you need versus throwing money away on the things you don’t. 

Walk Your Worries Away 

Postpartum depression is one of the most prevalent concerns for women during the early stages after childbirth. Even if you don’t suffer from depression, it’s not a bad idea to start exercising as soon as possible. Not only does walking help keep you fit, but it’s also an opportunity to step away from the baby and give your partner a moment with their little one. If you don’t already live in a foot-friendly area and you’re in the market for a new home to accommodate your growing family, look up your local walk score. Anything higher than 70 means that you can walk most everywhere. 

 Watch Your Diet 

Everything you eat (or don’t) has an effect on how you feel. Although you might be tempted to grab the quickest thing you can find to satisfy your hunger, consider keeping healthy snacks around instead of bags of chips or bottles of soda. Fruit, nuts, and raw veggies will fill you up and keep you energized so that you can keep up with your little one. 

Wear Supportive Clothing 

Pregnancy and childbirth change your body all over. And while these changes are great reminders that you’ve experienced a miracle of growing a new life, you may need to update your wardrobe. According to the NCT, there are a number of changes that can happen to your breasts, including engorgement, sagging, and cracked nipples. Wearing a supportive bra can help offset some of this, and you can apply a lanolin-based cream to keep your nipples soft and supple. 

 Get Your Sleep 

There’s no way around the fact that little ones will have you up every few hours at night. But mum needs sleep, too! Create a bedtime routine to help signal your body that it’s time to wind down. You’ll also want to avoid caffeine in the hours before bed. Ideally, your room will also be cool, dark, and quiet

 Be Prepared For Hormone Changes 

 It can take up to six months for your pre-pregnancy hormone levels to return. Hackensack Meridian Health notes, however, that your hormones begin to change immediately. Your estrogen and progesterone levels start to plummet while oxytocin levels increase. You also experience a rise in prolactin, which triggers the lactation process. This can leave you moody, anxious, sleepless, and on edge. Be gentle with yourself, and let your partner know when you need a minute alone. 

They say that having a baby changes everything, and that is never felt so strongly than in the months after their birth. This “4th trimester” is a time of great joy but also of many challenges. Today’s tips can help you overcome issues, such as buying the wrong equipment, not getting enough steps in, and reaching for the wrong snacks when it's time to refuel. 

 The Bubba Hub Wishes to extend heartfelt congratulations to all the new mums and dads out there and hopes that today’s post helps you get a healthy head start. 

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