Dear Dad

Emma Girling - Dorpip
August 31, 2023
min read

Dear Dad,  

Congratulations on embarking on this exciting journey of parenthood! We know it can be an overwhelming and stressful sometimes, but we want to remind you of how important your role is in your child's development, especially during the first 1001 days of life. DorPIP, as a parent-infant relationship service, understand that bonding and attachment in these early stages of life are critical for your child's future emotional, social, and academic success.  

Research shows that secure attachment in infancy is a strong predictor of positive outcomes in later life, including emotional regulation, social competence, and academic achievement. On the other hand, poor attachment in infancy has been linked to a range of negative outcomes, including behaviour problems, aggression, and mental health issues. In fact, children who experience poor attachment in infancy are more likely to struggle with addiction, incarceration, and even early mortality.  

It's essential to recognise the psychological and emotional changes that come with being a new dad. It's not uncommon to feel isolated, lonely, or even experience postnatal depression. The good news is that seeking support can make a significant difference in your mental health outcomes and your relationship with your child.  We know that fathers' mental health is just as important as mothers', and that's why we want to encourage you to ask yourself, "How are you, Dad?"  

One great resource we offer is our online group course, DorPIP Dads. The course focuses on parent-infant relationships, attachment, and bonding. Our course provides you with valuable information and skills to support your child's development and build a strong, positive relationship with them.  But it's not just about learning new skills. It's also about building connections with other new dads who may be experiencing similar challenges. Having a support network can make all the difference in navigating the ups and downs of fatherhood.  

Remember that your mental health can have a significant impact on your child's development. By prioritising your well-being and seeking support when you need it, you're not only taking care of yourself, but you're also creating a healthy environment for your child to thrive in.  

So, to all the dads out there, I want to ask again, "How are you, Dad?" Don't hesitate to speak up and seek out resources and support. DorPIP are here to help you on this journey and ensure that you and your child have the best possible start.  

To learn more about our program, register your interest, or find out about other resources available to you, visit our website  
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